
医疗助理vs. 制药技术


Medical assistants 和 药学技术人员 both play important roles in the 医疗保健 system, but they operate in different environments with very separate 和 distinct responsibilities.

医疗助理通常在医疗诊所工作, 医院, 医生的办公室, 以及其他医疗机构, 他们支持医生, 护士, 以及其他治疗病人的医疗专业人员. 相比之下, 药学技术人员 在药店和药剂师一起工作, focusing on preparing 和 dispensing medications — services that are essential for patient care but do not involve direct clinical treatment.

For individuals who are weighing their options for a career in 医疗保健 和 might be considering becoming a 医疗助理 or a pharmacy tech, it is important to underst和 the differences between these two entry-level roles, 包括具体职责, 技能, 以及与每个职位相关的工作设置.

Aspiring 医疗保健 professionals should also explore the employment outlooks for both careers 和 the education 和 training needed to enter each field. 报名参加医疗欧博app can be an excellent way to begin your path for a career in 医疗保健. 


医疗助理在许多类型的医疗环境中工作, 包括医院, 私人诊所, 流动护理设施, 门诊护理中心. 因为医疗助理是初级职位, they operate purely in a supportive capacity within teams of 护士, 医生, 和管理员.

What makes the role of a 医疗助理 distinct is that they can have both clinical 和 行政 duties. Depending on their work environment 和 their level of cross-training, 他们可能完全专注于临床或管理任务, 或者两者结合. 


Medical assistants who support direct patient care may perform any of the following duties:

  • 记录病人的病史

  • 协助病人的检查

  • 从病人身上采集标本进行实验室检测

  • 进行基本的实验室测试并记录结果

  • Explaining treatment procedures 和 how medications work to patients

  • Assisting with administering injections 和 medications to patients

  • 给病人换敷料,照顾伤口

  • 为患者安排批准的处方补药

Medical assistants who work in 医疗保健 administration may perform the following duties:

  • 使用管理软件应用程序

  • 接Phone,安排约会

  • 问候和检查病人

  • 协助审核患者档案

  • Helping 管理员 with bookkeeping, billing, 和 insurance claims 


成功的医疗助理有临床, 行政, 和 soft 技能 that they can apply in whichever work environment they operate in. Examples of important 医疗助理 技能 include the following:

  • 积极倾听和人际交往能力

  • 有效的沟通技巧

  • Computer 技能 和 proficiency in using medical software platforms

  • 客户服务技能

  • 对记账和开票有基本的掌握

  • 对医疗保险和理赔流程有基本的了解

  • 批判性思维能力

  • 临床基本技能 


比如医疗助理, 药学技术人员, 或者药学技术人员, work in a supportive capacity by helping pharmacists prepare 和 dispense prescription medications. 因为药学技术人员是入门级的, 他们在药剂师的直接监督下工作, who reviews all prescriptions before they are dispensed to patients.  

Most pharmacy techs work for drug retailers like CVS, Walgreens, or grocery store pharmacies. 在医院药房工作的比例较小. 在某些情况下, 药学技术人员 make hospital rounds with 医生 to dispense medications to patients under their supervision.  


Pharmacy techs perform a wide array of duties that support a pharmacy’s day-to-day operations, 包括以下内容:

  • 从医疗保健专业人员和患者那里收集信息

  • 更新病人记录

  • 测量药物

  • 标签和包装处方

  • 库存组织

  • 监测供应短缺

  • 接受付款

  • 处理保险理赔

  • 接听来电并回答问题

  • 向病人解释药物如何起作用 


Pharmacy tech work is highly meticulous 和 involves public-facing duties that require soft 技能. 一些基本的药学技术技能包括:

  • 注重细节

  • 沟通及人际交往能力

  • 客户服务技能

  • 基本的计算机技能

  • 数学能力

  • 解决问题的能力

  • 组织和库存管理技能 


当比较医疗助理和护士的角色时. pharmacy tech, it is clear that there are significant differences between the two. Although there is some overlap in their duties 和 required 技能, 有相当多的区别将它们区分开来. 其中最值得注意的包括:

  • 医疗助理工作环境 comprise a wide array of 医疗保健 environments; pharmacy techs only work in pharmacies.

  • 医疗助理可以执行临床任务, 管理任务, or a mixture of both; pharmacy techs typically have more defined, 一致的任务.

  • 医疗助理为护士提供支持, 医生, 管理员, 和 医疗保健 specialists; pharmacy techs provide dedicated support to the supervising pharmacist.

  • 大多数医疗助理在医院工作, 也就是说他们可能要工作12小时一班,包括 overnight shifts; most pharmacy techs work eight-hour shifts within st和ard pharmacy hours, 哪些是典型的9a.m. 到8点.m.,周末时间有限.

  • Medical assistants are afforded some autonomy in certain clinical 和 行政 duties; pharmacy techs must have every prescription they help prepare checked 和 approved by the pharmacist.

医疗助理vs. 药学技术:工作前景

Job outlook is an important consideration when evaluating 医疗助理 vs. 药学技术职业发展路径. Both fields appear to be poised for growth, but one seems to be outpacing the other.

根据美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), pharmacy tech jobs are projected to grow by 6% between 2022 和 2032, 估计增益为25,900个工作岗位. The agency expects employment of 医疗助理s to grow at more than twice that rate, 预计未来十年将增长14%, 大概是105,900 more jobs are forecasted for 医疗助理s during that time frame.  


Familiarizing yourself with what 医疗助理s 和 pharmacy techs do 和 where they work can help you make an informed decision as you consider beginning a career in 医疗保健. 虽然个人在这两个角色都有助于病人的护理, 他们以不同的方式做到这一点,职责上的重叠很少.

What both 医疗助理s 和 pharmacy techs share is the need for high-quality education 和 training. 富通提供一系列 医疗技术欧博app医疗保健,包括 医疗助理药学技术人员 欧博app.

Act now to find out how Fortis can help you prepare to enter the 医疗保健 workforce with the knowledge 和 in-dem和 技能 you will need to meet your professional goals.

外科助理vs. 外科手术技术

American Association of 医疗助理s, “什么是医疗助理?”
National 药学技术人员 Association, “什么是药剂技术员?”
U.S. 劳工统计局,医疗助理
U.S. 劳工统计局,药学技师