Skilled Trades

5 Types of Welding Jobs

Skilled TradesJune 27, 2024

The work of traditional welders has been, and continues to be, critical to the development of our country’s infrastructure. 每一座建筑、桥梁和机器都展示了焊工的定制工作. 传统的焊接工作涉及到将用于建筑的材料, vehicles, healthcare equipment, and even attractions, such as the ones enjoyed at theme parks and carnivals.

焊接是利用热量制造和组装结构和设备(通常是金属)的过程. 焊工可以在工作中利用他们的培训和经验成为制造者, cutters, fitters, solderers, or arc operators. 

Completing a hands-on welding training program 能否帮助个人掌握在不同行业从事不同类型焊接工作所需的知识和专业技能. 

5 Welding Job Types to Pursue

焊接是一个令人兴奋的领域,专业人员从事从艺术雕塑到石油和天然气基础设施的各种欧博app. Trained welders 在航空航天、建筑、制造和汽车等行业工作. 以下是焊接专业毕业生可以从事的五种焊接工作:

1. Industrial Welding

工业焊接是焊接工作的一种,是现代制造业和建筑业的基石. 工业焊工用热和压力把金属片连接起来. 

Industrial welders work in a variety of sectors, such as the automotive, aerospace, and shipbuilding sectors, where they fabricate machinery, vehicles, pipelines, and structures such as buildings and bridges. 工业焊工的知识和专业知识有助于确保结构符合安全和质量标准.

2. Pipe Welding

管道焊接领域的重点是将管道的多个部分连接起来以产生坚固, durable, and leak-proof connections. 这种类型的焊接通常用于建造和维护用于输送水的管道, gas, oil, and chemicals.

管焊工在各种环境中工作,这取决于他们工作的行业. For example, 而石油和天然气行业的管道焊工通常在炼油厂和钻井现场工作, 建筑行业的工人可能在住宅或商业建筑工地安装供水和污水管道系统. 

3. Deep Sea Welding

深海焊接是水下焊接的一种特殊形式,通常在海平面以下数千英尺处进行. 这种类型的焊接主要用于修复和维护许多类型的水下结构, such as oil rigs and deep-sea pipelines. 深海焊工在加压室中工作,并使用特殊的焊接设备,以满足在这种独特环境中工作的挑战. 

深海焊接的职业需要高水平的技能和知识, including hours of practice, special qualifications, and years of experience. 有抱负的深海焊工通常需要获得深海潜水执照. Deep sea welding is a physically demanding and tough job, 但这些专业人士的工作对航运业和石油业至关重要.

4. Fine Arts Welding

美术焊接涉及使用任何焊接技术,以创造复杂的雕塑, installations, and functional art pieces. 在这个专业领域工作的专业人员使用各种焊接方法, such as metal inert gas (MIG) welding, tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, stick welding, and flux cored arc welding to manipulate metal into durable works of art.

有兴趣将对金属的热爱与对艺术创作的热情结合起来的学生可能会发现,成为一名美术焊工与他们的激情非常吻合. Throughout history, 有许多著名的雕塑家和金属制品艺术家都是由焊工协助的,或者自己就是焊工. From Alexander Calder to Antoine Pevsner, 金属制品艺术家擅长将不同形状和颜色的材料焊接成独特的艺术品.

5. Modern Technology Welding

每辆赛车在接触柏油路面之前都要经过950多个小时的焊接. From NASA to NASCAR, 许多组织都需要能制造光的焊工, durable, and efficient vehicles and machines. As industrial technology continues to advance, 机器人工业将需要焊工把工业设备和制造设备组装在一起.

Learn More About Welding Programs Offered at Fortis

无论你是在寻找一条传统的职业道路还是更具冒险精神的机会, 有适合各种兴趣的焊接职业. Fortis offers skilled trades training programs, including welding technology diploma programs在美国各地的校园里,这些课程可以在短短一年内完成. If this interests you, 请致电1-855-436-7847安排校园参观或索取更多信息.

你准备好迈向成为专业焊工的下一步了吗? Learn more about the programs offered at the skilled trades schools at Fortis, and the types of welding jobs you can pursue upon graduation.

Recommended Readings
Why You Might Like a Welding Career
National Welding Month: Is Welding Right for You?
How Has Technology Changed the Welding Profession?

Baker’s Gas & Welding Supplies, The Art of Welding 
Medium, “The Power of Welding in the Realm of Art”  
Swanton Welding Company, Industrial Welding
TWI, What Is Pipe Welding? Everything You Need to Know
TWI, What Is Underwater Welding and How Does It Work?, Deep Sea Welding Is a Very Specialized Career 
WeldGuru, “4 Main Types of Welding Processes (With Diagrams)”

Learn More About Welding Programs Offered at Fortis

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